Saturday, September 21, 2013
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Herbal Cleanse
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Herbal Cleanse |
leaves you feeling great, full of energy and ready to take on the world. It will also leave you feeling a whole lot lighter too, in more ways than one.
It is important to note that a successful cleanse is not something that can happen overnight. It is often suggested that in order to achieve the best results, that the colon cleansing procedure should take place over a period of roughly two weeks. This gives the body enough time to rid itself of all the toxins.
To make this Herbal Cleanse successful, you will have to begin by eating only natural foods and increasing the levels of fruit and vegetables in your diet. This extra intake of fibre will promote bowel movement.
On top of the extra fruit and vegetables, it is suggested that you increase the amount of water you drink per day. This will help to flush out the toxins in your body and keep you hydrated.
It is important also because some of the herbs used in one of these cleanses can be dehydrating. On top of that, why not try a herbal vaporizer for Aromatherapy, this will increase your levels of relaxation as you let nature take its course.
The herbs you use in this colonic cleanse will depend on your chosen results. Using a bulking laxative, such as Psyllium husk will help your colon to get rid of extra material in a safe, non-harmful way.
Barberry is another herb to use for the promotion of bile flow from liver to gall bladder. Senna and ginger are also suggested for the stimulation of colonic peristalsis, a great way to get rid of unnecessary waste.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Herbal Sleeping Tablets
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Herbal Sleeping Tablets |
Prescription herbal sleeping tablets do not have to be something that you rely on to get a good night’s sleep. There are dozens of products available that offer you a healthy, natural alternative and do not create a dependency. If you are prepared to try out a few different products and brands, it’s only a matter of time before you find one that works for you, and has no side effects that you aren’t happy to live with.
In fact, an herbal sleeping tablets & aid will seldom have any negative side effects at all. It depends entirely of course on which product you choose, but most do not have side effects aside from drowsiness, which is generally intended. There are two broad classes of herbal sleeping pill & aid products you can choose from – anxiety remedies and herbal sleeping pills.
Anxiety Remedies (Rescue Remedy)
Most commonly known and marketed as ‘Rescue Remedy’, essential oils containing avena sativa composition have been used for decades as a natural calmative and sleep aid. They are usually available as a liquid in a dropper, or as little white pills that dissolve under the tongue. These products work by lowering blood pressure and reducing the levels of ‘stress hormones’ in the bloodstream, helping your body to achieve a calm state, and your brain to settle into sleep mode.
These products should generally be used if you feel you cannot sleep because you have too much on your mind, or because you are worried and nervous, or if your natural sleep pattern has been interrupted and you do not feel ready for sleep. However, they are also great before important presentations at work or college, or before interviews as they help to calm you down if taken in smaller doses.
Herbal Sleeping Tablets
Herbal sleeping are non-prescription pills which tend to mimic the effects of pharmaceutical prescription sleeping pills in that they will knock you out about an hour after you take them. Common side effects can include vivid dreams and a feeling of drowsiness or a heavy head in the morning, but these are generally far less than with prescription sleeping pills.
While herbal sleeping pills are usually not as bluntly effective as prescription ones, they will generally provide you with a good night’s sleep if you are having serious trouble sleeping. They can also be used to sleep through long trips if you are travelling, and you won’t wake up feeling like you slept next to an open barrel of gasoline.
In general a herbal sleeping tablets & remedy should be your first port of call if you are having trouble sleeping. There is every chance that your problem can be solved without resorting to powerful prescription drugs which can cause dependencies – and the last thing you want is to be dependent on a drug to get to sleep.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Herbal Supplements for ADD
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Herbal Supplements |
remedies are not directly marketed as ADD medication, so you need to know a little about the ingredients that go into these cures before finding one that works well for your child.
There are four major ingredients in most herbal supplements for ADD, and the more effective remedies will usually contain some kind of combination of the three.
Ginkgo Biloba
One of the world’s favourite memory and concentration enhancing natural medicines & aid supplements, Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow to the brain, which improves a person’s overall ability to concentrate on mentally-intensive tasks. When taken with American Ginseng it has been proven to be effective at treating ADD in children.
St. John’s Wort
This classic remedy for ADD increases serotonin availability in the brain, which makes it easier to concentrate, and less likely to suffer from symptoms of depression. It is most often in the limbic-system sub-type of Attention Deficit Disorder.
Grape Seed Extract
Grape Seed Extract inhibits the breakdown of dopamine, which happens faster than normal in people with ADD. The exact causes have not yet been studied thoroughly, but the effect on patients with ADD is well-documented.
Pine Bark
This is a relatively new addition to the group of natural remedies known to help treat the symptoms of ADD, but it has been proven to increase the lifespan and effectiveness of certain neurotransmitters, which help to boost concentration and memory, and ease restlessness.
It also improves capillary health, and acts as a powerful anti-oxidant to prevent damage from free radicals.
Herbal Medicines & Remedy
It’s easy to find herbal medicines & remedy products online, but
there is such a thing as a little too much choice. There are a few
things to know about how herbal medicines find their way from nature, to
producers and into your medicine cabinet – and you might be surprised
by the truth about how these things are marketed.
What is White-Labelling?
White labelling is a marketing term for a process that happens all around us, but one which we seldom notice. It means that one large company will produce a certain product, such as herbal medicines & remedy substances, and then sell them on to other companies which label them with their own brand.
This became popular in the 1980s, especially with things like sports substances, and in the 90s with a herbal Viagra alternative for men & women. The most famous example of this is the generic medicines industry. The bad news is that this means you are generally buying a similar product, regardless of the label. The good news is that this knowledge gives you more power as a consumer.
So How Do I Choose?
While white labelling is the process that brings most herbal remedies to the shelves of your local health shop or homeopath, this doesn’t mean that all products are equal. What it does mean is that you can buy top quality products, only under a less well-known name.
The only thing you need to do is to speak to your homeopath, or someone who knows their herbal medicines well, to recommend to you labels which come from reputable manufacturers. When buying homeopathic products online, you should never go solely on the advice of the merchant website.
What is White-Labelling?
White labelling is a marketing term for a process that happens all around us, but one which we seldom notice. It means that one large company will produce a certain product, such as herbal medicines & remedy substances, and then sell them on to other companies which label them with their own brand.
This became popular in the 1980s, especially with things like sports substances, and in the 90s with a herbal Viagra alternative for men & women. The most famous example of this is the generic medicines industry. The bad news is that this means you are generally buying a similar product, regardless of the label. The good news is that this knowledge gives you more power as a consumer.
So How Do I Choose?
While white labelling is the process that brings most herbal remedies to the shelves of your local health shop or homeopath, this doesn’t mean that all products are equal. What it does mean is that you can buy top quality products, only under a less well-known name.
The only thing you need to do is to speak to your homeopath, or someone who knows their herbal medicines well, to recommend to you labels which come from reputable manufacturers. When buying homeopathic products online, you should never go solely on the advice of the merchant website.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Herbal Sleeping Pills & Aid
Herbal sleeping pills & aid remedies have been around for
hundreds of years, but only in the last few decades have they seen
mainstream distribution as treatments for anxiety and sleeplessness.
Many doctors will now first prescribe you a herbal or natural alternative before resorting to prescription sleeping pills or strong tranquilisers like Valium. Here are a few of your options if you want to try out some natural herbal sleeping pills & aid remedies.
Rescue Remedy
This tried and tested favourite is produced by a large variety of companies, but is essentially usually the same combination of natural calmatives and alcohol. Rescue is one of the most popular herbal medicines & remedy products available, and comes as a dropper or in a dissolvable pill form. Just a few drops, or two pillules, instantly lower your blood pressure and slow down your heart rate, making it easy to achieve natural sleep or relax agitated nerves.
Calmettes is a proprietary brand of Rescue Remedy, but is generally stronger and used in more severe cases. It is recommended for those going through emotional trauma, or an especially stressful time. It is available in a white pill form, and is taken with water. Calmettes will also promote peaceful sleep.
Nytol is one of the world’s most popular brands of herbal sleeping pills, and comes in regular and extra-strength tablets. Two regular strength tablets will generally be as effective as a sleeping pill in most circumstances, but two extra-strength tablets will knock you out for an entire trans-Atlantic flight.
Just because they’re herbal, that doesn’t mean they’re not as strong as their prescription counterparts.
Many doctors will now first prescribe you a herbal or natural alternative before resorting to prescription sleeping pills or strong tranquilisers like Valium. Here are a few of your options if you want to try out some natural herbal sleeping pills & aid remedies.
Rescue Remedy
This tried and tested favourite is produced by a large variety of companies, but is essentially usually the same combination of natural calmatives and alcohol. Rescue is one of the most popular herbal medicines & remedy products available, and comes as a dropper or in a dissolvable pill form. Just a few drops, or two pillules, instantly lower your blood pressure and slow down your heart rate, making it easy to achieve natural sleep or relax agitated nerves.
Calmettes is a proprietary brand of Rescue Remedy, but is generally stronger and used in more severe cases. It is recommended for those going through emotional trauma, or an especially stressful time. It is available in a white pill form, and is taken with water. Calmettes will also promote peaceful sleep.
Nytol is one of the world’s most popular brands of herbal sleeping pills, and comes in regular and extra-strength tablets. Two regular strength tablets will generally be as effective as a sleeping pill in most circumstances, but two extra-strength tablets will knock you out for an entire trans-Atlantic flight.
Just because they’re herbal, that doesn’t mean they’re not as strong as their prescription counterparts.
Herbal Weight Loss & Diets
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Herbal Weight Loss |
know just exactly what you are buying and to always consult your doctor or healthcare professional before starting any new medication.
When you are looking for an herbal weight loss product there are certain active ingredients that it pays to look for. These should help you achieve those results you have always wanted and get you ready to wear that bikini for summer.
Green tea is a natural stimulant that increases your body’s rate of metabolism in a way quite similar to coffee. What it has that coffee doesn’t, is a hefty dose of vitamin C and flavonoids (powerful antioxidant compounds).
The great thing about green tea is that you can decide how strong you would like it to be – it’s as simple as deciding how long you want your tea to steep. Green tea is available as a herbal extract or (as you would expect) as a tea and is a great option for herbal weight loss & diets.
The San people of Southern Africa have used Hoodia for years. It is a naturally occurring plant in the region that they ingest in order to cut down on hunger pangs.
Naturally, San people can go a few days between hunts, meaning that there are long periods of hunger. It is thought that Hoodia not only suppresses hunger, but also increases metabolism.
Guarana is another option for weight loss. It speeds up the activity of the brain and is used when wanting to achieve weight loss because of its stimulant and diuretic properties.
One must just be careful when using Guarana as it can increase blood pressure. Another option for health and associated weight loss is herbal colon cleanse, great for overall health.
Herbal Vaporizer for Aromatherapy
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Herbal Vaporizer for Aromatherapy |
in other cases a few drops are added to bath water and swirled around to spread all the way through.
A great way to administer aromatic oils to yourself and to others is to use a herbal vaporizer for aromatherapy. With this method you can quickly, safely and effectively use all the oils that you need. This is especially useful for aromatic oils that you will be using to treat respiratory ailments.
Using a vaporizer is the perfect way to not only use aromatic oils, but also other herbs that you may want to use. Vaporizers only extract the active ingredients and flavours from the herbs, without burning them – which can lead to carcinogenic substances being released, which you ingest with the smoke.
This is not to mention the fact that the human lungs are not specifically designed or well equipped to cope with the intake of large amounts of smoke. An herbal vaporizer for aromatherapy is the perfect way to solve this problem for yourself.
If you are battling with nasal congestion and mucus, one of the best and safest ways to alleviate that problem is to use some Eucalyptus oil in your vaporizer.
It’s as simple as putting a few drops into the water and waiting for the magic to happen. In no time, you’ll be breathing in the Eucalyptus vapours and your sinuses will be free. Say goodbye to hay fever and seasonal allergies.
The power of herbs is not just limited to what can be used through a vaporizer though; herbs can also be used for herbal breast enhancement pills & cream, something that could revolutionise the way women see themselves.
Herbal Medicine & Remedies
These days, we are inundated with modern medicine. There’s a pill to
make you happy, a pill to help you sleep, a pill to wake you up. The
problem is – none of these medicines are natural and some of them can be
downright harmful, to you and the environment.
But, if you choose to go with herbal medicine & remedies you can never go wrong. There are hundreds if not thousands of years of knowledge behind you when you reach for that herbal remedy or herbal medicine.
There are numerous benefits to herbal medicine & remedies that are not just limited to the alleviation of your ailments. With herbal medicine, you can be safe knowing that what you are taking is non-harmful and can do nothing but help you feel better.
How many times have you heard the terrible stories of people who have had bad drug reactions and had to be rushed off to hospital? The fact is, you cannot deny years upon years of experience and knowledge, handed down from person to person.
And it doesn’t just stop with medicine and remedies, herbal weight loss & diets have also been used for years. All across the world, people have been using the incredible powers of the natural world and the herbs we have around us to achieve incredible results.
There are herbs for any and all ailments that may afflict us as human beings – headaches, congestion, stomach pains and diarrhoea. The point is often made too, that modern medicine was originally derived from herbal medicine and this tells us something important.
It tells us that by using herbal remedies and trusting in the earth, we are going straight to the original source of all our health and medicine on this planet – the planet itself.
But, if you choose to go with herbal medicine & remedies you can never go wrong. There are hundreds if not thousands of years of knowledge behind you when you reach for that herbal remedy or herbal medicine.
There are numerous benefits to herbal medicine & remedies that are not just limited to the alleviation of your ailments. With herbal medicine, you can be safe knowing that what you are taking is non-harmful and can do nothing but help you feel better.
How many times have you heard the terrible stories of people who have had bad drug reactions and had to be rushed off to hospital? The fact is, you cannot deny years upon years of experience and knowledge, handed down from person to person.
And it doesn’t just stop with medicine and remedies, herbal weight loss & diets have also been used for years. All across the world, people have been using the incredible powers of the natural world and the herbs we have around us to achieve incredible results.
There are herbs for any and all ailments that may afflict us as human beings – headaches, congestion, stomach pains and diarrhoea. The point is often made too, that modern medicine was originally derived from herbal medicine and this tells us something important.
It tells us that by using herbal remedies and trusting in the earth, we are going straight to the original source of all our health and medicine on this planet – the planet itself.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills & Cream
In this day and age, we are constantly shown pictures of models and
famous people with perfect bodies and perfect breasts and let’s be
honest with each other – they can make us feel bad about ourselves, when
we compare.
This can lead not only to low self-esteem, but also to costly and sometimes dangerous breast enhancement operations, which can be avoided with simply using herbal breast enhancement pills & cream.
Having breast implants put in surgically can be a dangerous procedure and many of us have heard the horror stories of women with lopsided breasts, leaking implants and other associated problems.
All of that is unnecessary and for a fraction of the cost you can achieve the perfect bust you always wanted with nothing but the natural things given to us by Mother Nature. If you are going to be using herbal breast enhancement pills & cream it is suggested that you research all the products out there and see which seems best to you. It always pays to do your homework.
These pills and cream are based on plants that contain high natural levels of phytoestrogens. These compounds are found in certain plants and herbs and are in fact quite similar in chemical structure and their effect as the female hormone – estrogen.
It is thought that the phytoestrogens are absorbed by the breasts and react with the estrogen receptors in the breasts. This is a process that mimics what a girl goes through when she goes through puberty. It may be new to you, but many women have used this method to enhance their cup size and improve their confidence. And you thought that the only thing herbs could give us was herbal medicine & remedies!
This can lead not only to low self-esteem, but also to costly and sometimes dangerous breast enhancement operations, which can be avoided with simply using herbal breast enhancement pills & cream.
Having breast implants put in surgically can be a dangerous procedure and many of us have heard the horror stories of women with lopsided breasts, leaking implants and other associated problems.
All of that is unnecessary and for a fraction of the cost you can achieve the perfect bust you always wanted with nothing but the natural things given to us by Mother Nature. If you are going to be using herbal breast enhancement pills & cream it is suggested that you research all the products out there and see which seems best to you. It always pays to do your homework.
These pills and cream are based on plants that contain high natural levels of phytoestrogens. These compounds are found in certain plants and herbs and are in fact quite similar in chemical structure and their effect as the female hormone – estrogen.
It is thought that the phytoestrogens are absorbed by the breasts and react with the estrogen receptors in the breasts. This is a process that mimics what a girl goes through when she goes through puberty. It may be new to you, but many women have used this method to enhance their cup size and improve their confidence. And you thought that the only thing herbs could give us was herbal medicine & remedies!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Herbal Medicines & Remedy
It’s easy to find herbal medicines & remedy products online, but
there is such a thing as a little too much choice. There are a few
things to know about how herbal medicines find their way from nature, to
producers and into your medicine cabinet – and you might be surprised
by the truth about how these things are marketed.
What is White-Labelling?
White labelling is a marketing term for a process that happens all around us, but one which we seldom notice. It means that one large company will produce a certain product, such as herbal medicines & remedy substances, and then sell them on to other companies which label them with their own brand.
This became popular in the 1980s, especially with things like sports substances, and in the 90s with a herbal Viagra alternative for men & women. The most famous example of this is the generic medicines industry. The bad news is that this means you are generally buying a similar product, regardless of the label. The good news is that this knowledge gives you more power as a consumer.
So How Do I Choose?
While white labelling is the process that brings most herbal remedies to the shelves of your local health shop or homeopath, this doesn’t mean that all products are equal. What it does mean is that you can buy top quality products, only under a less well-known name.
The only thing you need to do is to speak to your homeopath, or someone who knows their herbal medicines well, to recommend to you labels which come from reputable manufacturers. When buying homeopathic products online, you should never go solely on the advice of the merchant website.
What is White-Labelling?
White labelling is a marketing term for a process that happens all around us, but one which we seldom notice. It means that one large company will produce a certain product, such as herbal medicines & remedy substances, and then sell them on to other companies which label them with their own brand.
This became popular in the 1980s, especially with things like sports substances, and in the 90s with a herbal Viagra alternative for men & women. The most famous example of this is the generic medicines industry. The bad news is that this means you are generally buying a similar product, regardless of the label. The good news is that this knowledge gives you more power as a consumer.
So How Do I Choose?
While white labelling is the process that brings most herbal remedies to the shelves of your local health shop or homeopath, this doesn’t mean that all products are equal. What it does mean is that you can buy top quality products, only under a less well-known name.
The only thing you need to do is to speak to your homeopath, or someone who knows their herbal medicines well, to recommend to you labels which come from reputable manufacturers. When buying homeopathic products online, you should never go solely on the advice of the merchant website.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Herbal Viagra Alternative for Men & Women
By now we’ve all heard of the miraculous little blue pill that boosts erectile performance and sexual stamina in both men and women. The truth is that Viagra is only safe if used according to a doctor’s instructions, and has little to no effect on women.
That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a herbal Viagra alternative for men & women that is both safe to use and available without prescription. There are loads of different products on the market, some of which are reputable and some of which are not, that can be ordered online and used safely without a doctor’s supervision. However, you’ll need to be on the lookout for scam websites and ‘snake oil’ salesmen, and not be taken in by fancy offers.
Here are a few things to look for in a herbal Viagra alternative for men & women.
Money Back Guarantee – without making any jokes about scam artists, there is a huge industry that preys on sexual insecurity and erectile problems, and profits from people buying unknown products without a prescription. If you’re buying anything online, make sure the merchant offers a money back guarantee, and that there are reports of people online who have returned the product and received their money back. The last thing you want is to spend money on something that doesn’t work, and then not be able to get your money back.
Effects on Heart Medication – You’ve heard stories about people dropping down dead in the middle of the act. Those stories are, unfortunately, often related to mixing Viagra or other pills that conflict with heart medication containing nitrates. Medicines like Viagra work by increasing blood flow to the sexual organs. Some compounds which do this react unfavourably with some heart medication, so if you are on any medication for a heart condition, check with your doctor before taking anything for better performance in the bedroom.
Herbal breast growth and enhancements
For many women there seems to be only one option for breast
enlargement and that is invasive surgery. The truth, however, is that it
can be done without surgery and in a natural and herbal way. In an age
where looking like the cover girl of a magazine is the ultimate for many
women, enlarging their breasts is a must-have, in order to feel
comfortable. This can now be done with herbal breast growth and
Doctor’s and plastic surgeons are quick to look past any form of natural breast enhancement in favour of invasive surgery, but homeopaths and naturalists believe that herbal breast growth and enhancements is possible and viable. Even though herbal breast enhancement isn’t possible for every woman, it is and has been for so many, which is why it remains popular as a herbal medicine and remedy.
Is it really possible to enhance breast size naturally?
It is possible to enhance your breasts naturally with herbal pills, but there are some factors that need to be taken into account. These include metabolism, body fat percentage, individual reaction to the ingredients, length of time using the product, diet and some other factors. Obviously you take a risk when buying such a product, so make sure you do some research and see which factors mentioned above will affect you
Disadvantages of breast implants
You want to increase your breast size and now you know your options and the possible difficulties with herbal enhancements, but what are the downsides to breast surgery.
1) Price – The price comparison is huge and a nice pair of new boobs will set you back about $5000-10000, as opposed to a couple of hundred bucks for herbal pills.
2) Unnatural look and feel
3) Unsightly rippling effect on the side of the breast
4) Hardening of implants (scar tissue can cause hardening of implant, and
replacement of the implant may become necessary)
5) You have to replace them every 10 years, which becomes costly
Choosing whether or not to get implants is a big decision that should be taken only after careful deliberation.
Doctor’s and plastic surgeons are quick to look past any form of natural breast enhancement in favour of invasive surgery, but homeopaths and naturalists believe that herbal breast growth and enhancements is possible and viable. Even though herbal breast enhancement isn’t possible for every woman, it is and has been for so many, which is why it remains popular as a herbal medicine and remedy.
Is it really possible to enhance breast size naturally?
It is possible to enhance your breasts naturally with herbal pills, but there are some factors that need to be taken into account. These include metabolism, body fat percentage, individual reaction to the ingredients, length of time using the product, diet and some other factors. Obviously you take a risk when buying such a product, so make sure you do some research and see which factors mentioned above will affect you
Disadvantages of breast implants
You want to increase your breast size and now you know your options and the possible difficulties with herbal enhancements, but what are the downsides to breast surgery.
1) Price – The price comparison is huge and a nice pair of new boobs will set you back about $5000-10000, as opposed to a couple of hundred bucks for herbal pills.
2) Unnatural look and feel
3) Unsightly rippling effect on the side of the breast
4) Hardening of implants (scar tissue can cause hardening of implant, and
replacement of the implant may become necessary)
5) You have to replace them every 10 years, which becomes costly
Choosing whether or not to get implants is a big decision that should be taken only after careful deliberation.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Herbal Viagra alternative for men and women
Over the centuries herbal products like oats have been used to increase sexual desire and performance; today they are called herbal Viagra alternatives for men and women. Just like regular Viagra this all natural product is used to treat impotence and enhance sexual activity, allowing a relationship to function as normally as possible.
What is herbal Viagra?
There are, however, many products out there that fall under the general heading of herbal medicines and remedies and claim to have libido enhancing properties, any of which have very different ingredients.
Duro, for example, is a herbal Viagra alternative for men and women that contains an extract of fungus and is usually harvested from the larval remains of silkworms. It is believed to increase stamina – which is why it is used by many pro athletes.
How safe are these herbal remedies? Homeopathic medicines usually don’t undergo the same rigorous assurance testing as regular drugs. It would be unwise to believe that all herbal medicines are as safe as their prescription cousins, also that they are guaranteed to do what they say they will. A herbal medicine might encourage blood flow, which will help with erection problems, but this is not a scientific guarantee.
Warning for women
A caution for all women wishing to use herbal viagra: there can be some harmful side effects of the substances found in herbal Viagra, so make sure you are aware of these before you take it.
Side effects include abnormal blood pressure, restricted blood to vital organs and some are even considered poisons. Ladies make sure you and your doctor know what type of substances you will be ingesting before you take them.
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