Sunday, February 24, 2013

Herbal Viagra alternative for men and women

For those of you wishing to enhance your sexual drive and performance but don’t want to use synthetic chemical compounds created in a lab, like Viagra, then there is an alternative option for you.

Over the centuries herbal products like oats have been used to increase sexual desire and performance; today they are called herbal Viagra alternatives for men and women. Just like regular Viagra this all natural product is used to treat impotence and enhance sexual activity, allowing a relationship to function as normally as possible.

What is herbal Viagra?

There are, however, many products out there that fall under the general heading of herbal medicines and remedies and claim to have libido enhancing properties, any of which have very different ingredients.

Duro, for example, is a herbal Viagra alternative for men and women that contains an extract of fungus and is usually harvested from the larval remains of silkworms. It is believed to increase stamina – which is why it is used by many pro athletes.


How safe are these herbal remedies? Homeopathic medicines usually don’t undergo the same rigorous assurance testing as regular drugs. It would be unwise to believe that all herbal medicines are as safe as their prescription cousins, also that they are guaranteed to do what they say they will. A herbal medicine might encourage blood flow, which will help with erection problems, but this is not a scientific guarantee.

Warning for women

A caution for all women wishing to use herbal viagra: there can be some harmful side effects of the substances found in herbal Viagra, so make sure you are aware of these before you take it.
Side effects include abnormal blood pressure, restricted blood to vital organs and some are even considered poisons. Ladies make sure you and your doctor know what type of substances you will be ingesting before you take them.

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