Thursday, February 28, 2013

Herbal Sleeping Pills & Aid

Herbal sleeping pills & aid remedies have been around for hundreds of years, but only in the last few decades have they seen mainstream distribution as treatments for anxiety and sleeplessness.

Many doctors will now first prescribe you a herbal or natural alternative before resorting to prescription sleeping pills or strong tranquilisers like Valium.  Here are a few of your options if you want to try out some natural herbal sleeping pills & aid remedies.

Rescue Remedy

This tried and tested favourite is produced by a large variety of companies, but is essentially usually the same combination of natural calmatives and alcohol.  Rescue is one of the most popular herbal medicines & remedy products available, and comes as a dropper or in a dissolvable pill form. Just a few drops, or two pillules, instantly lower your blood pressure and slow down your heart rate, making it easy to achieve natural sleep or relax agitated nerves.


Calmettes is a proprietary brand of Rescue Remedy, but is generally stronger and used in more severe cases.  It is recommended for those going through emotional trauma, or an especially stressful time. It is available in a white pill form, and is taken with water.  Calmettes will also promote peaceful sleep.


Nytol is one of the world’s most popular brands of herbal sleeping pills, and comes in regular and extra-strength tablets. Two regular strength tablets will generally be as effective as a sleeping pill in most circumstances, but two extra-strength tablets will knock you out for an entire trans-Atlantic flight.

Just because they’re herbal, that doesn’t mean they’re not as strong as their prescription counterparts.

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